

Impulse purchase on the way back from Meguro station.
Somehow there were \590 red wine and \128 pasta on my hand.

フライパンしかないので一苦労するも、 なかなか上出来で満足した今夜の夕飯。
Having trouble with cooking 'cause I've got only a pan, I'm pretty gratified with dinner tonight.

・トマトとなすとモッツァレラのスパゲッティ(モッツァレラ抜き) Spaghetthi al Pomodoro con Melanzane e Mozzarella (senza Mozzarella) ・豚肉とレタスのからしごまソース(からし抜き) Carne di maiale e Lattuga con Salsa de Senape e Sesamo (senza Senape) ・valdecaz Vino rosso di nome VALDECAZ

/*I'm not sure with both my Italian food and language.*/